Crazy for Printing

I’ve been the crazy printing lady this weekend.  Printing up a storm with Inklingo shapes for the Celtic Solstice Mystery quilt.  Clue #2 was released on Friday and surprise, surprise.  I’m already behind.  I know you’re surprised.  Not.  But I’m determined to catch up soon.

Last week was crazy busy with preparing for the JSS Christmas party on Thursday.  Because you know what a procrastinator I am.  And true to form, I was busily stitching the blocks for our exchange the day before the party.  Thank goodness I only had to make 5 of them!  And the party was a huge fun time, as it always is.  Quilters come from far and wide for the big event.  And as soon as I finish sorting my 3,285 pics, I’ll do a post about the party.  I know you’re waiting with bated breath.

Then we had a nice ice storm on Thursday night.  And I use the word nice for those of you who love freezing cold weather, treacherous roads and no electricity. Freezing rain followed by sleet and it has been quite the mess in our city.


This was the view from my front porch.  And no, that is not snow.  It’s all ice!  If you look closely, you can see little glistening pieces in the middle of the pic.  That’s the icicles that have been falling out of the trees.  I have been happy to hibernate at home for the last 3 days.  We watched a neighbor back out of his driveway and then slide backwards down the slight hill that is our street yesterday.  And I decided then and there that I wasn’t going anywhere until it wasn’t so slippery.  Not to mention how hard it is to walk on that stuff.


See the icicles hanging from our house?  We don’t see those very often in Texas.  So we have to take pics and share them on our blog.  It’s required.

But I’m supposed to be telling you about my progress on the Celtic Solstice Mystery Quilt!  I’m using Inklingo to do mine and I spent a few hours over the weekend printing all the necessary shapes for Clue #2.  I had an especially fun time doing it because we have a new printer.  Wireless.  Very, very cool.  And prints Inklingo shapes on fabric ironed to freezer paper like a dream.  (See printer information at Linda’s blog.  It’s a fabulous printer.  No affiliation, just a happy Canon customer.  Thanks, Linda!)


So I got myself all organized with a binder for the clues and all my stacks of printed shapes.  I cut out enough of them to make 4 chevron units.  And I’ll be spending lots of time cutting the rest in the next day or two.  So fun with my new printer!


Here are my fun little chevron units up close and personal.  Linda’s instructions for stitching them went together like a charm!  She’s a genius with this stuff.  The way she has you stitch these is mind-boggling.  But with a handy little cheat sheet that you keep near your sewing machine with pics of every step, it’s easy peasy.  I love Inklingo!


Pappy was busy finding new places and positions to nap.  And it actually was quite helpful to have him not right in the middle of my fabric.  But when I started to stitch, oh my!  He was right by the machine, sticking his paw very near the needle.  He was quite fascinated with the machine.  Oh, joy.  He’s gonna be my helper in all steps on this one.  Next time I’ll get some pics of his paw…… helping me stitch.


This pic comes with a story.  Dear Hubby got up to get some dinner the other day.  And Pappy quickly took over his recliner.  So Dear Hubby got another chair to sit in, turned his back for 2 seconds and Panda took over that one.  A picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t it?  They were just too cute!  Cats rule at our house.

Bonnie Hunter is having her Monday morning link-up at her blog, so be sure to check out all the others who are doing the Celtic Solstice Mystery!  It’s fun to see everyone’s progress and all the different colorways on the quilt.  This is my first time to participate and I hope I can keep up.  We’ll see.  Remember…. I’m already behind.  But that’s pretty much how I roll.  I’ll get there!

Happy Monday!

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12 Responses to Crazy for Printing

  1. Bonnie Huelin says:

    looks like kitties are having a “time-out”!

  2. Cathi says:

    I love, love, love your little chevron units!! Linda’s instructions are brilliant, even for hand piecing – I wouldn’t want to stitch these any other way! And now I have serious printer envy. LOL

  3. Sandi says:

    Your little Pappy just makes me smile!!! Soooo cute!!!!

  4. Barb , your colours are so good together, and like you, I am always a bit behind with any schedule, I did manage to do a BOM on time a few years ago, all finished as they should have been, and the 9 blocks now need about another 12 or more to make a quilt!!! Pappy, he is gorgeous, and fits the chair so well!!! Greetings from Jean.

  5. Sue says:

    Be careful with cats and sewing machines. Years ago Bif swatted at the needle and got sewn. I had to grab him by the neck real fast so he couldn’t move until I raised the needle. Now I just stop sewing when a cat comes up to visit.

  6. Susan K in Texas says:

    Love the kitties on the chairs! We have 3 sons who’ve all grown and moved into thier own homes. Our cat has taken over their chairs at the table. He’ll especially find a chair when we have steak – his favorite. And if there’s only my chair at the table, he’ll take that one too. I’ll sit on the edge so he has room. Guess we know who’s boss.
    As for being behind in your stitching – well, that’s the story of my life too.
    And I was iced in with my husband with everything all packed up for a remodel that will hopefully be finished at the end of the week. Neither of us could do what we wanted.

  7. Jennifer in Scotland says:

    I had to read your blog first because I love the pics of your cats.

  8. Joy Heasley says:

    I look at blogs with cats first too! Your icicles look like my Alaska ones! Happy sewing. I am finishing Christmas gifts first!

  9. Kathy Strawson says:

    love those kitties in the house and living right alongside you, or in some cases taking over. Love the scrappiness of your quilt selections.

  10. Sherrill says:

    If the hubster wasn’t such a good chair warmer, maybe the kitties wouldn’t take over his spot!! You COULD shut the door to the sewing room when using the machine for kitties’ safety!!

  11. lindafranz says:

    Love the photos, Pappy & Panda! I’m glad you are happy with the new printer too. I still love mine.

  12. Great blog I enjoyedd reading

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