Yikes! Tomorrow, wait Today’s The Big Day!

My new toy gets installed tomorrow today! And Angela Walters and her crew are coming to do it!  A celebrity in my house.  I hardly know how to act.  My room overhaul is complete.

I had helpers all along the way.  Pappy never met a box he couldn’t fit into.

The room went from worse to more worse.  Worser.  The worstest.

See?  Every angle = not good.

The mess spilled over into the living room too.

See?  not getting any better.  Well, maybe a bit.  I see an empty shelving unit there!  So much to do…..

Things got moved around and lots of sweeping and mopping happened.

This Helper thought he wanted to jump to the top of the shelves.  Thankfully, he made a better choice.  Pappy really likes helping.

And he never met an empty shelf he couldn’t fill.

No room for Pappy now!  That’s one full closet!

Better.  But still not good.  Not enough room for the fancy new toy yet.

These two were really big helpers.  Not.  Unless napping is helping.  Wait a minute.  In Pappy’s case, napping is helping!

Somehow I made it through the week and got everything accomplished. Or hidden under a bed somewhere.  One of those.

See?  I think there might be enough floor space for a new longarm!  Yippee!

Another angle……

And one last pic.  I considered doing this blog with just two pics.  But when have you ever known me to be a blogger content with just two pics?  Couldn’t do it.  You had to see it all.

And now tomorrow is the big day.  Or today actually.  It’s 1:00 a.m. as I’m writing this.  So I guess I should have titled this “Today’s The Big Day,” right?  Maybe I ought to change it.  Hmm….  I’ve always said it’s not tomorrow until I’ve slept.  But there might not be much sleeping happening tonight.  Such excitement in my little humble home!  A real celebrity coming for the day!  Yikes!  I might need to go run the vacuum one more time……


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6 Responses to Yikes! Tomorrow, wait Today’s The Big Day!

  1. Leave the vacuum cleaner hidden away, that is a wonderful space, and a huge lotta work to get it all ready. Excited, I would be too. Enjoy today, as we are almost into your tomorrow already down here. p.s. Did you know that someone once had to take out a window to get her long arm frame into the room? This is true, I read it recently, but cannot remember where.

  2. p.s.I forgot to say.. Pappy and Pebbles are the stars though all of this, and as I am a HUGE lover of all cats, they shine. A well earned rest for sure,.

  3. Karen Smith says:

    You (and your helpers!) have done a great job with your sewing room! Enjoy your new long arm and your guests.

  4. Cathi says:

    Your quilting room helpers are the stars of the post! Pappy really did manage to get almost everywhere – it was fun checking each photo to see where he might be. I can’t wait to see photos from today with your wonderful new long-arm.

  5. lindafranz says:

    I hope you are having a WONDERFUL time today. Your photos are great. Let’s see it when everything is all set up too!

  6. Quilting Tangent says:

    Looking forward to seeing your new toy.

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