Inklingo Passacaglia & Stars

I’ve been on a blogging sabbatical.  Hiatus.  Big time vacation.  Holiday.  Break.  Recess.  Did you miss me?  Don’t answer that.

Seems it takes an Act of God to get me to blog any more.  Or a new Inklingo collection and a challenge from my dear friend, Cathi.

It’s been a weird winter in Texas.  Or maybe that’s just the last 10 days.  Because the rest of winter was pretty uneventful weather-wise.  Only I just looked out the window as I’m typing this and oh, my!  We have a bunch of snow.  In March!  Pretty much unheard of in Texas.  I would include a picture here except…. DARK.  Maybe later?

Pappy played in the snow last week.  Wanna see?

And when I went out a few minutes ago, he desperately wanted to go out with me.  He’s the silliest cat!

Speaking of silly…… here’s his latest thing:

Isn’t he a hoot?  He makes me laugh every day.  I just might have to let him help me build a snowman.

But I was talking about Inklingo and a Cathi challenge, wasn’t I?  Sorry.  I got off on a rabbit trail there.  So Linda announced a new Inklingo Collection last Friday.  And I was intrigued.  It’s based on the cover quilt of this book:

And you can get the book and the collection at a special introductory price for a limited time at Linda’s Inklingo website.  Click on the book cover above to go there directly.  Of course Cathi purchased the collection and started printing while I was still studying the shapes. I was very intrigued by them! So I decided to go for it.  Cathi and I needed another simul-blogging experience.

passacaglia (1)This is my rosette made using the collection.  Isn’t it pretty?  And what fun it is to stitch!  All inset seams and great continuous stitching.  I especially loved adding the striped fabric pentagons on the last round.  But see the cute fussy cut fabric in the center?

passacaglia (8)

I printed 12 of those using Linda’s ingenious no waste fussy cutting method.  And although I’m leaning towards using the rosette as a center medallion in a quilt, I really want to use at least some of the other 11 stars.

passacaglia (9)

Because aren’t they the coolest?  Sometimes the toughest decision of the day….

passacaglia (10)….is which end of the diamond to place in the center!  (Same diamonds as last pic, just turned around.)

And remember my pretty Inklingo Stars from a previous post?

passacaglia (2)

When that blue paisley fabric showed up at Quilter’s Dream, I had to make some more Inklingo Stars.

passacaglia (3)

Lots more Inklingo Stars……

passacaglia (5)

Because they are way too much fun to only make one quilt.

passacaglia (4)

Once I started, I just couldn’t stop myself.

passacaglia (6)

I also made two blocks with an alternate setting from the Inklingo Star Collection. This one…..

passacaglia (7)….. and this one!  Oh, they are such fun to make!

So what do you think about a lovely Passacaglia rosette medallion?  That might perhaps grow into a bigger medallion – somehow incorporating more of those fussy cut center stars……… surrounded by Inklingo Stars.

passacaglia (11)

A good idea?

Be sure to check out Cathi’s rosette at Quilt Obsession today.  I hear there’s a fun ‘toon by Mr QO too.  And she always has fabulous pics of her kitties, Baxter and Jake.

And I’ll try not to be gone on a long sabbatical from blogging again.  But first, Pappy and I have a snowman to build…..

Happy Quilting!

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14 Responses to Inklingo Passacaglia & Stars

  1. Yvonne says:

    Beautiful blocks you have made! Love the cat in the snow, always so funny how they react.

  2. Susan B. says:

    Okay, the toilet flushing is just too funny!! Your blocks are FABULOUS! I’m still working on my tumbling blocks, but you and Cathi own the WORLD, haha!!

  3. Cathi says:

    Pappy’s new obsession is hysterical. I love your idea of turning the rosette into a centre medallion- that is going to be a stunning quilt!

  4. Sara says:

    Fantastic blocks, wowowow!

  5. Pappy is so funny! Love the toilet flushing action! And those blocks are simply stunning. I can’t wait to see the quilt! 😉

  6. Susan K says:

    Love your blocks! I like the setting with the medallion in the center surrounded by the beautiful stars. And Pappy is funny. I live in Coppell and my cat, Cocoa, went out for a few seconds today. He wasn’t real impressed with the snow. Said the bushes didn’t smell the same.

  7. It looks beautiful. Think it will make a sensational quilt along with your other stars. Your cat is so funny.

  8. Such adorable kitty videos! Thanks for the smiles!

  9. Maureen says:

    Your stars are beautiful- I’m looking forward to seeing both your progress and Cathi’s. I haven’t started La Passacaglia yet but hope to soon. We also had snow yesterday and my cats love it too.

  10. Charlotte says:

    Barb, love the stars and would love to find some of that blue paisley fabric. Can you identify for me? Maybe I can find it somewhere. I’m over in Farmersville – still have snow in yard! Thanks so much.

  11. Chantal says:

    Hi. I’m starting a Millefiori Quilt, and I’m using this kind of technique (tracing, no paper). I really admire your rosette center. How do you do to have a matching center with 8 points ? I’ doing 10 points star, and the center is causing me problems.

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