Cotton Theory Part 2

Another fun Cotton Theory class this week!  With some beautiful and fun fabrics that I really thought you needed to see…..

Look at these fabulous fabrics that Suz is using in her Cotton Theory quilt.  Oh, my!  Now I need to make another one for sure.  I can’t wait to see her finished quilt.  Sew like the wind, Suz and finish this one quick so we all can see it!

This is the other side of her quilt – just as pretty for sure.  Good job, Suz!  Now go to your sewing room and get busy!

This is Carolyn sewing on her placemat that she nearly completed in class (all but the binding.)  Carolyn got the prize for traveling the furthest to come to class, coming all the way from Kansas City.  Except that there was no prize.  She must have heard that she could become famous on a blog if she came to one of my classes in Texas.  Or maybe it was just that she was visiting her sister, Jeanne  and niece, Kelley.  Kelley called the shop and scheduled a special time for them to take this class all together.  They were such fun!  Carolyn informed us right up front that she was the oldest of the two sisters.  She said if she didn’t tell us, Jeanne would be sure to do it.  Little sisters are like that, aren’t they?

This is Kelley’s placemat as she works on it.  She used some cute fabrics to appeal to a young person.  Like this:

I know this picture is very blurry – but I had to share it anyway.  It’s a frog cowboy!  I guess frogs ride chickens instead of horses?  Wish the picture was better…. next time I’ll take six pictures so I’m assured of getting at least one good one…  for the sake of the blog, of course!

This is the front side of Jeanne’s placemat.  Kelley’s Mom, Carolyn’s Sis – it was a family affair kind of class.  She was making this placemat for her grandson in high school.  Apparently all of her grandchildren have special placemats for each of them when they come to visit.  What a great idea!  She makes each one feel very special in her home.

And this is the back side.  Remember the Cotton Theory quilt?  I posted about this technique a couple times before.  Very cool because the back side is as fun as the front.  You get two for the price of one!  You can see pics of both sides of my quilt here.

It’s also a chance to use lots of fun stitches that we all have on our fancy, schmancy sewing machines and never use.  So we used some practice muslin in class to determine some good stitches on everyone’s machines.  It’s a good technique for a lot of reasons.  Maybe someday I’ll gather a list of all the things I like about this quilt and share them.  Remind me, will ya?

We also had cookies in class – or maybe I should say cookie crumbs.  Quilting can be hard work!  And requires frequent breaks for snacks.  To keep up our energy and all.

Susan took this class two weeks ago and came back for a refresher course.  What?  This quilt isn’t totally finished yet, Susan?  Remember how obsessed I said she was?  You can read all about Susan’s obsession here.  She does have quite a bit of it done.  And I’m sure she’s working on it right now as I write.  She needs to finish it so we can flip it over and you can see the back side.  It’s gonna have a big ‘Ta Da’ finish and I can’t wait for you to see it!

This is approximately how one row will look.  Except if she’s like me, she will move them around again and again and again and again until all the colors are just right.  Or until the cows come home and the eagle has landed, whichever comes first.  And she doesn’t even have any cows or eagles, but you get the idea.  Have I mentioned how hard it is to do scrappy?  Yes, I think I have.  It might not be hard for you, but it is not easy for me.

So it is very wise to do some planning as Susan did and then take a picture so you can keep it all straight before you start sewing.  Thus proving once again that even blondes can get it right some of the time.  Love ya, Susan!  And this is a picture of a picture, in case you were wondering.  The things you can do on a blog!

Happy Sewing!

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3 Responses to Cotton Theory Part 2

  1. Judy Roybal says:

    Great idea of making special placements when grandchildren come for a visit.

  2. Susan says:

    Another fun class! I had to come and make sure I was doing it right, ya know? A certain wool project was slowing me down, but I’m back on track. 🙂

  3. Carol Christensen says:

    My friend has dementia and she has about 50 placements already cut out and ready to use the cotton theory with. She taught classes. I will give them to you if you pay the postage.

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